
The YARA Goddess Wellness Experience

A Woman’s health is her capital

Women’s health issues such as menopause and PCOD can profoundly aXect their quality of life. A holistic Ayurvedic approach oXers a nurturing path to healing by balancing the body’s doshas through personalized diet, herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation. This ancient practice not only restores physical harmony but also fosters spiritual well-being, recognizing and celebrating the goddess within every woman. By embracing Ayurveda, women can achieve a deeper sense of peace, vitality, and connection to their inner strength.

What will you gain:

  • Better understanding of what you are experiencing and how to manage your symptoms
  • Renewed sense of self
  • Improvement in your symptoms
  • Knowledge of lifestyle changes that will help alleviate the symptoms on ongoing basis

What will you loose:

  • Lack of clarity
  • Mental fogginess
  • Feeling of fatigue and despair
  • Feeling of disharmony within yourself

We Value Your Uniqueness

  • Our programs are Individually crafted.
  • We begin with an in-depth consultation and evaluation with our highly qualified Ayurvedic doctor , Nutrionist and experienced yoga and fitness therapist, to create a retreat tailored specifically to your needs.
  • Our goal is to help you achieve your personal wellness objectives and embark on a transformative journey, the YARA Way.
  • 6AM : Awaken to Serenity and well being (Guest Room)
  • 6:30 am to 7am : Yogic Kriya (Guest Room)
  • 7am to 8:30am : Yoga/pranayama (Yogashala)
  • 7am to 9am : Breakfast (restaurant)
  • 8am to 12 noon : Doctor Consultation
  • 9am to 1pm : Prescribed Therapies
  • 12 noon to 2:30pm : Lunch (Restaurant)
  • 3pm to 7pm : Prescribed Therapies
  • 3pm to 4pm : Happiness Hour
  • 5pm to 6pm : Yoga
  • 6pm to 6:45 : Meditation
  • 6:30pm to 8:30pm : Dinner
  • 8:30 pm to 9:15pm : Talk on holistic wellbeing
  • 9:30 pm : slip into calm restful slumber

The above is a sample day, each schedule will vary depending on the prescription and requirement of each Guest.