

Focusing on wellness and embracing a holistic lifestyle is essential for young individuals because it nurtures both the body and the spirit, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Here are some personalized and spiritual reason:
  • Nurturing the Body: Embracing healty habits like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and restful sleep strengthens the body, preparing it to be a vessel for life’s journey. These habits instill a sense of respect and love for oneself
  • Caring for the Mind: Holistic wellness acknowledges the importance of mental health. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection fosters inner peace, clarity, and resilience, allowing young individuals to navigate life’s challenges with grace
  • Pursing Purpose and Passion: A healthy lifestyle can enhance focus and energy, empowering young people to pursue their passions and academic or carrer goals with vigor and enthusiasm. This pursuit often aligns with discovering and fulfilling one’s life purpose
  • Creating Lifelong Habits: The practices and habits formed in youth set the foundation for a lifetime. Cultivating wellness early on leads to a lifelong journey of self-care, growth, and personal development
  • Building Inner Strength: A holistic approach to wellness includes spiritual growth, which fosters resilience and adaptability. This inner strength enables young individuals to stay grounded and centered amidst life’s inevitable ups and downs
  • Preventing Harmful Behaviors: Focusing on wellness helps develop healthy coping mechanisms and a deeper understanding of oneself, reducing the likelihood of turning to harmful behaviors or substances for comfort

By prioritizing wellness and a holistic lifestyle, young individuals cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness, inner peace, and connection to the world around them. This journey of self-discovery and care not only enhances their present lives but also paves the way for a brighter, more harmonious future.

What will you gain:

  • Self awareness
  • Clarity of purpose and goals
  • Better understanding of holistic lifestyle
  • Better habits

What will you loose:

  • Gadget addictions
  • Other dependencies
  • SuXering from stress anxiety
  • Weight management issues

We Value Your Uniqueness

  • Our programs are Individually crafted.
  • We begin with an in-depth consultation and evaluation with our highly qualified Ayurvedic doctor , Nutrionist and experienced yoga and fitness therapist, to create a retreat tailored specifically to your needs.
  • Our goal is to help you achieve your personal wellness objectives and embark on a transformative journey, the YARA Way.
  • 6AM : Awaken to Serenity and well being (Guest Room)
  • 6:30 am to 7am : Yogic Kriya (Guest Room)
  • 7am to 8:30am : Yoga/pranayama (Yogashala)
  • 7am to 9am : Breakfast (restaurant)
  • 8am to 12 noon : Doctor Consultation
  • 9am to 1pm : Prescribed Therapies
  • 12 noon to 2:30pm : Lunch (Restaurant)
  • 3pm to 7pm : Prescribed Therapies
  • 3pm to 4pm : Happiness Hour
  • 5pm to 6pm : Yoga
  • 6pm to 6:45 : Meditation
  • 6:30pm to 8:30pm : Dinner
  • 8:30 pm to 9:15pm : Talk on holistic wellbeing
  • 9:30 pm : slip into calm restful slumber

The above is a sample day, each schedule will vary depending on the prescription and requirement of each Guest.