
Yara Holistic Nutrition

At YARA we lay emphasis on “Jaisa Ann Waisa Mann” a Hindi phrase that resonates deeply with the principles of Ayurveda, emphasizing the profound impact of food on our mind, energy, and overall well-being. According to Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine from India, the food we consume is not only a source of physical nourishment but also a vital contributor to our mental and spiritual health.
In Ayurveda, food is categorized into three types based on its eLects on the mind and body:
  1. Sattvic Aahara (साि$वक आहार) : These are fresh, natural, and wholesome foods like fruits (फल)ं , vegetables (शाकं ), grains (धा/यं), nuts (अ2ोट) and dairy (द7ु ध). Sattvic foods are believed to be pure and life-enhancing, promoting clarityofmind(8च:श;ु 8ध),calmness(शाि/त),andspiritualgrowth(आ=याि>मक व;ृ 8ध) ConsumingSattvicfoodleadstoabalanced,harmoniousstateof being, aligning the body (शरAर), mind (मनस), and spirit (आ>मा) with positive energy (सकारा>मक ऊजाE).
  2. Rajasic Aahara (राजFसक आहार): These foods are stimulating and include items like spicy foods (कटु भोजन), coLee (कॉफ़J), tea (चाय), and certain processedfoods(KसंLकृतभोजन) Rajasic foods can increase activity(कमणE ) and passion (राग) but may also lead to restlessness (अशांOत), agitation (Pयाकु लता), and overexertion (अOतQलेश) if consumed in excess. They are thought to energize the body but can disturb mental peace (मानFसक शांOत) and balance (संतलु न).
  3. Tamasic Aahara (तामFसक आहार): These are stale (बासी), processed (KसंLकृत),andunnaturalfoods,includingleftovers(शषे भोजन),cannedfoods (VडXबाबंद भोजन), and heavily fried items (अ>य8धक तलA चीज़Z). Tamasic foods are considered detrimental to health, leading to lethargy (आलLय), confusion (मोह), and a lack of motivation (Kेरणा). They carry low vibrational energy (Oन[नऊजाE)thatcancloudthemindanddisruptthebody’snaturalbalance(KाकृOतक संतलु न). We at YARA aim to nourish our guest following the principles of Ayurveda and emphasizing the healing practices of meditation and mantra chanting while preparing nourishing meals for our guest
Importance of Meditation (=यान) in the Preparation of Food

The state of mind (मनःिLथOत) and the energy (ऊजाE) of the person preparing the food are considered crucial. It is believed that the cook’s emotions and thoughts (भावनाएं और `वचार) infuse the food with energy (ऊजाE का संचार), aLecting those who consume it. Therefore, the practice of meditation (=यान) before and during the preparation of food has a profound impact on the individual consuming the food.
  1. Shuddhi(श;ु 8ध):Meditationhelpsincleansingthemind(मानFसकश;ु 8ध)of negative thoughts (नकारा>मक `वचार) and emotions, ensuring that the food is prepared with a pure heart (प`वb cदय) and positive intentions (सकारा>मक इरादे).
  2. Mantra (मंb): Chanting mantras (मंbोeचार) like “Om” (ॐ) or specific food- related mantras can raise the vibrational energy (ऊजाE का कं पन) of the food, making it more nourishing (पोषणीय) and spiritually uplifting (आ=याि>मक उ/नOत).
  3. Presence (उपिLथOत): Meditation cultivates mindfulness (सचेतता), allowing the cook to be fully present (पणू E उपिLथOत) and attentive (=यानम7न) while preparing the food, ensuring that each ingredient (सामiी) is treated with care and respect (स[मान).
By incorporating these Ayurvedic principles and meditative practices into the preparation of food, we at YARA create meals that are not only nourishing for the body but also elevate the mind and spirit.

“Jaisa Ann Waisa Mann” thus reflects the holistic Ayurvedic understanding that the quality and type of food we eat, along with the energy and mindfulness in its preparation, directly influence our mental state, Health, energy levels, and spiritual consciousness.